Nozzle sizes must be matched properly to the designed performance of the pressure washer in question. The PSI and flow must be taken into account to determine the proper nozzle size and achieve the correct pressure (PSI Pounds Per Square Inch of cleaning pressure at the nozzle and flow (GPM) expressed as Gallons Per Minute. The units are designed to deliver X amount of PSI and X amount of Pressure, using a positive displacement pump powered by a motor. Typically, using gasoline, electric, diesel or hydraulic power.
Most nozzles are typically constructed of all (SS) Stainless steel, and some are color coded with a SS tip and body with color coded hardened, heat and impact resistant polymer cover with the size imprinted on the SS body.
An oversized nozzle orifice (tip hole size) will produce less pressure than the intended design and will not increase the flow due to the pump displacing a predetermined and exact amount of water.
An undersized nozzle will damage the pump due to the restriction of the smaller orifice opening. Damage to the pump will occur by the restriction that will put too much back pressure on the pump displacing the predetermined flow and exact amount of water it is designed for.
There are different spray patterns achieved by using different nozzles. Many nozzles are color coded for ease of identification. If nozzles are color coded these descriptions explain the fan pattern each nozzle will deliver. The various fan patterns are irrelevant for matching the orifice sizes.
Red nozzles are 0-degree nozzles. Straight stream of water and no pattern or fan.
Yellow nozzles are 15-degree nozzles, built for use in heavy-duty pressure washing. ...
Green nozzles are 25-degree nozzles. Ideal for use in general cleaning applications. ...
White nozzles indicate a 40-degree spray fan.
Black and Brass 65-degree chemical Injection nozzle for downstream injector. Low pressure nozzle for chemical, bleach or chlorine application only.
There are SS nozzles that are not color coded, but the tip will have the numbers stamped into the Stainless-steel nozzle tip or body to indicate the fan and orifice size.
Another useful nozzle is a Turbo-Nozzle or Rotating Power Nozzle. These powerful and time saving devices internally ocellate to create a highly concentrated circular pattern that impacts the surface from 360-degree angle. Ideal for HD stripping of weathered paint, rust, debris, loose concrete or loosely attached paint or coatings.
There are also SS nozzles that are not color coded, but the tip will have the numbers stamped into the Stainless-steel nozzle tip or body to indicate the fan and orifice size.
Contact our equipment experts and we will assist in suggesting the right equipment for your unique need that fits within your budget. We are ready to help! Call us at: 800-493-7692
